First you fold a large piece of blue construction paper at the bottom so your kiddos will know where to glue tissue paper and brown construction paper. We just had the kids tear it to give it a textured look.

Give your kiddos a folded piece of green paper to make the leaves. Show them how to cut on the fold to make 2 leaves.

We gave the students a piece of yarn they cut into 3 pieces and glued for the roots.
We will let all of that dry and we hope ya'll will come back tomorrow and see the next part of our sunflower project. It's going to be awesome!:)
Welcome Back! This is what we did the second day.
We gave the kiddos a folded piece of yellow and orange paper and this petal pattern to trace. They traced it two times on the folded paper. Then cut them out. This gave each student 8 orange petals and 8 yellow ones.Then they glued the petals in a pattern on the stem.
We gave them a black circle to glue in the middle and sunflower seeds on the black circle.
Then we labeled the parts and the needs of the plants.
We will write about our picture and add a fun detail that will give us a 3-D effect.
We chose to do this the next day:
Now it was time to write about what we learned.
We are done! Yay!
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We are so excited to share this plant bundle of activities! Right at a 100 pages! Lots of ELA and Math print and go sheets, 2 scoot games, word sorts, and read around the room cards. We just finished recording the Plant Song and our kiddos love it! It is a fun and upbeat song that teaches the plant cycle. There is a book with colored pages that has the words to it and a coloring book for your kiddos to color and follow right along with you.
I just cut the pages and made a Plant Song Big Book because my kiddos love big books!
This is one of my kiddos using their coloring book to answer one of the worksheets that is included. My students loved coloring the book that has the words to the rocking plant song!
This is one of our color coded math sheets that are great at math time or as a morning sheet.
One of the 5 Print and Go Vowel Sheets
There are 2 Fun Missing Addend Scoot Games or there is cute manipulatives you could use in a center to help the kiddos answer these math task cards.
There are Read Around the. Room Task Cards with our mascot, Quentin the Quality Penguin. My kiddos love to see Quentin!
These are a sample of the 21 word families that your kiddos can sort in Reading Groups or in ELA Centers.
These are Task Cards that can also be used in a center or as a Scoot Game.
This is one of the cut and paste sheets.
Grab this FREEBIE to sample a few of the pages from this 100 page bundle. We would really appreciate a nice comment when y'all download it and follow our store so you will be notified of all our FREEBIES and new products.
Hope y'all enjoyed this fun craft that Jen shared with us:)
We have a lot of resources in this plant bundle, and we would love for y'all to comment on what else you would like to see in this bundle that would be helpful.
We are always looking for new ideas that you would like to see in your classrooms:)
Thank you so much!!