Well I am excited to tell y'all that our entire store is on sale Aug.3-5!
Remember to use the promo code Aug.3-4 to get the extra percentage off. Remember to also cash in your TPT credits for making all those nice comments on products.
We wanted to show you a few of our back to school resources.
We have revised our August and September calendars to include more interactive student calendars. Your kiddos will enjoy cutting out each calendar piece to match the group calendars. Click on Covers to see more.
Here is a sample of the calendar pieces.
This is a fun game that assesses their knowledge of the August vocabulary.
Here is our September Calendar with our fun classroom mascot Quality Quentin. If you want to read more about Quentin and how he helps us to be quality students: Click here:
We write about our calendar word every day in our calendar journals. My kiddos love to share what they write.
This is the word bounce game for September:
Here are some of the cards you get.
My kiddos love playing this game and my ELL teacher who is leading the game, said this was great for her students because they are learning about basic vocabulary in fun ways.
Sometimes we tape the cards around the room and let them walk around the room and record their answers. Here my wonderful ELL teacher is helping one of her students read a card.
This is another word of the day resource that we just added for August and September.
This is a sample from our December cut and glue activities. This student decided to decorate her trees. I also love to look at their illustrations.
We also added new Word Crumbs.
This is our December Word Crumbs. My kiddos love to use little magnifying glasses and pretend to be word detectives:)
We also have have a fun Back to School Math Bounce Game: This is a great way to assess what your kiddos already know or use it as a review of skills.
This is our newest Scoot Game and it is great for back to school with fun apple shaped cards and apple manipulatives! It would also make a great math center using the apple manipulatives to help the kiddos with adding or you could use the apples for making patterns or graphing. It would be fun to use this during your unit on apples.
We also have our great word of the day products bundled together at a discount so you can get them for the whole year in one pack. They are featured in our store! Your kiddos will be introduced to a new word each day. There is a teacher guide for our calendars. They really help writing skills because they help to keep the kids on topic:)
"My class LOVES their journals. This is such a great resource and is saving me so much time!!!! Thanks!" was said in comments for our calendars:)
We have many fun scoot games, bundles, social studies and science units with our original upbeat songs and more so check us out:)
Come back next week and learn how to make a quality student. It is a fun craft for your kiddos:)
We love comments on what y'all would like to see in our store or what you would like us to post on our blog!
Happy Shopping!

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