
Friday, January 15, 2016

More YouTube Videos: Resolution #2

Hey all,

So as we mentioned last week, our first New Year's resolution is to find more ways to give back to the educational community.  One of these ways is through our Giving Back Giveaway.  We are donating 5% of our Nov, Dec, and Jan profits to the educational charity of choice for the winner of this giveaway.

Resolution #2: We want to give y'all more videos for personal use and use in your classrooms.  We know some of you would much rather watch a video than read a post or article, so we want to give you that option.  Stay tuned here, and we will post our first kid-friendly, word of the day classroom video!  We are so excited to share this with you.  There may even be a special guest...You will have to wait and see.

Feel free to leave suggestions for videos in the comments.  We want to provide you with resources that are ready for you to use in the classroom!

Thanks and have a great weekend,

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