
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Teacher Feature: Lovin' Lit

Click to visit Lovin' Lit's Blog

We discovered this lovely lady when we first started with TPT, and ran across her Seller's Toolkit Bundle.  We absolutely love it and think it is beyond worth the money.  The frames are universal and can be used in any product, and the fonts are simple and useful in numerous contexts.  It's an awesome fundamentals bundle that you will pull from time and again.  She is a "household name" so-to-speak in our S.O.L. Train Learning store and we think she's awesome!  For this reason, we reached out to her to get to know her a little better:

Who are you and how did you become a teacherpreneur?
I’m a middle school reading and ELA teacher from southwest Louisiana. I started blogging in early 2013 when my husband started working shift work and I had a little bit of spare time. Things just grew from there - and fast!

What is your greatest passion in the classroom?
Teaching literature is definitely my greatest passion in the classroom! I love reading and I love sharing that passion with my students. I do so much to facilitate, encourage, and reward independent reading, and sharing novels with my students is my absolute favorite thing to do in the classroom.

What was your latest milestone?

What is your favorite part of being a teacherpreneur?
I became a teacher because I wanted to make a difference. Being a teacherpreneur allows me to extend my reach far beyond my own classroom and touch so many lives! I love to make lessons that both students and teachers enjoy.

What are three helpful hints you can provide to budding teacherpreneurs?
1) Quality, quality, quality. Always quality over quantity.
2) Make products that are original and unique to your teaching and your style. You won’t get ahead without bringing something new to the table.
3) Play fair with other TpT sellers, or you won’t be asked to participate in the Reindeer Games!

What is a fun fact about you?
I have a twin sister!

What product are you most excited to share?
My new interactive vocabulary notebook and supplemental activities:
Click for more info

Click for more info

These look really awesome and I'm sure come in handy for those pesky SAT's.  Thank you so much for your time and hard work.  Your products are really great and we wish you continued success!


  1. Love reading about TpT sellers! Thank you Pam and Brittany.

  2. Fun post! I enjoyed Erin's sessions at the TPT conferences!

    1. Great! We love her starter clipart bundle! Thanks for stopping by:)

  3. I enjoyed this peek into Erin's journey. Great job all around, ladies!
