
Friday, October 2, 2015

Quality Behavior in the Classroom

Classroom Stories '15-'16

Only a month into the school year and already a quality attitude is permeating Mrs. Beckner's 1st grade classroom.  It's so exciting to see students taking responsibility for their own behavior.

The Girl Who Wouldn't Do Anything

This little girl would just sit on the carpet with a frown on her face and not participate. I spoke to her privately about how quality students always participate and try their best. I also reminded her that she was not being a quality student because she wasn't trying, and that she could not take Quentin home if she wasn't going to participate and be a quality student. Well the next day, she was a different student! She sang with us and she tried to count with us and she tried to do her class work. Then she came up to me and asked if she could take Quentin home and of course, I said "yes." 

She got the biggest smile on her face! When we walked outside to go home, she turned and gave me a big hug! 
  The students were making a list of soft and hard things the next day and this little girl drew Quentin on the soft side and looked at me and said that Quentin was soft. She was so proud and now she is trying her best!:)

The Students Who Are Quiet When They Need to Be

The first letter in our quality song is "Q-Quiet when we need to be." So, when I wanted the class to get quiet, I would sing, "Q-Quiet when we need to be." And my kiddos would say it too and get quiet. Now, when we are standing in line and the students are too loud, some of my students start singing, "Q-Quiet when we need to be." I just love how the kiddos are taking the initiative to get their classmates to listen.

The Boy Who Thinks Quentin is a Super Hero

This little guy drew a picture of Quentin and said he was making him a super hero.  He said, "Quentin is a super hero because he helps us to be quality students!"  How great is that?

Stay tuned for more quality student stories! :)

We hope you enjoyed hearing about these positive results in the classroom.  We will leave you with this:

Here's hoping your weekend is free of multitasking :)

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