
Friday, September 11, 2015

Back to School September Memory Game

Hey All,

The Word of the Day saga continues with our September Word of the Day Memory Game!

Click below to get it in our store

Pam used it with her kiddos to further reinforce our September vocabulary and had great results.  This is another way for you to put important vocabulary in front of your kiddos, exposing them to it without the pressure of learning it.  This game is so much fun and as many of you know it's a great tool for critical thinking as well.  We are offering it exclusively to our followers for FREE today only.  Be sure you check it out and let us know how your kids do with it.

Here are a few pictures of some of her kiddos enjoying this game! To provide further reinforcement of the words, they turned the cards over and said the words out loud. Pam just used the first set of 10 words that they have used in class. She will add to the game as she introduces more words.

Pam has been so excited about our newly revised student calendar and our September Word of the Day books. You can get the bundle for 50% off in our store this weekend!  I'm going to let her tell y'all more about that:

Hey everybody! I hope you are having a great year! I know y'all are as busy as I am trying to get your kiddos into a routine! I have had the greatest success with using this word of the day student calendar with the new books that Brittany has written for us. I love that the books can be sung to familiar piggy back songs and my kiddos are so cute singing these songs as they read their own books!

Well, on Thursday I gave them the page of lyrics from the first book and told them to highlight the words that I have introduced on our word of the day calendar.  I was so happy to see how well they did this. Some of the kiddos used their books to help them find the words.

 Some of the kiddos used their calendars to help them find the words.
 Some of them actually just remembered the words:) 

I want to

show you what my students are already doing in their calendar notebooks with these words. This is so exciting for me!

This was written after I encouraged my kiddos to try to use some of the words that we already had from the calendar.  Just think how this student will be writing by the end of first grade:)

Sorry, just one more. It was one of my favorites! Yay!!

Next on the horizon are our October ELA Books and Memory Game.  Follow us on the blog or in our store for updates! We would love to hear how this bundle is helping your students, so if you decide to give it a try-please send us an email or comment here. 


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