
Monday, May 18, 2015

End of the Year Poem and Craft!

  We have been working on "Our Busy Year" Poem which is about the end of the year.  We read our poem a few times and then we put the pocket chart poem cards in order.  My kiddos decided to put their bees on the chart after we used them to recite the poem.
One of my gals said,"Mrs. Beckner, the rhyming words are red."  I loved that she noticed that before I even asked them about that:)

Here are my kiddos holding up their cards, ready to put our poem in order.

Here are a couple of my guys starting to put the poem in order.  They all get so anxious to place their 
cards in the chart.

We highlighted the rhyming words in the poem.  My kiddos love the highlighters!  This is also a good time to remind the students that sometimes words that rhyme don't have the same ending letters.
Then we illustrated our poems.  You could also add a class photo or an individual photo at the bottom instead of drawing pictures.

I love how this student drew the bee "buzzing in the teacher's ear."

Then we made our bees to use to recite our poem with.

This cutey pie decided to use her bee to "buzzz in the teacher's ear!"

As you can tell, that was the favorite line of the poem.

Some of my girls decided to add props for the bees.

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We hope that you end your year with a bang! 

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