
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January Activities!

I was so excited about what the ELL teacher told me today about what one of my ELL students said to her in group time with her! She came to me and asked, "Pam, what in the  world did you say to Juan!" "He told me that he wanted to be "positive" Juan in the "New Year" and have a good "attitude."  I was thrilled to tell her he was using words from our January Calendar. Now the cool part about all of this is Juan has been crying a lot and having a bad attitude.
  Now, I did some role play about being negative and crying, saying things like,"I don't want to do that, It is too hard, I don't like it" Then I showed them being positive, "I am going to do my best, I can do this" I told them that it also helped their friends when they were positive to them: like smiling at them and encouraging them when they were having a difficult time.
  I was happy to see my students starting to apply what they learned!:)

Click on this picture to see more or to purchase:

 These are a few journal entries that my kiddos did using our word of the day calendars.

 Here are a few writings that my ELL students did last Jan. using these calendar words.

Here are a few more Jan. writings using words from this calendar. My kiddos really enjoy having these words to help them with their writings.

My kiddos love to share their calendar notebooks!

We also have the entire year's worth of calendars over 25% off at a special discount  when you buy them in the bundle.

This is our Brain Bounce game that has task cards that ask questions about our January Calendar words. My kiddos love playing this game because they like to break into teams to play.

This is what the task cards look like.

You can get the entire bundle at over 25% discount when you buy this bundle! Just click on the picture to check it out:)

This is my awesome ELL teacher! She is asking one of her ELL students a question from our bounce game. She said that these Word of the Day products have helped her students to understand content area vocabulary.
We have also used these cards as a read around the room activity.
This is our January Word Order where the kiddos can manipulate the words on snowballs to put in sentence order, glue, copy the sentence, illustrate and answer a bonus question.

These are a few samples of how my kiddos answered the bonus question.

This is a fun game or center where the students can find word chunks in these Jan. calendar words.

We added magnifying glasses and told the students that they were "word detectives" They loved it!

This is a memory game that the kiddos play finding pairs of our Jan. calendar words. Ya'll can grab this for a $1.

We hope that ya'll will try some or all these Word of the Day activities and that your kiddos will learn great vocabulary and these words will give them confidence in their writings.:)

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog! We would love some comments from ya'll!


  1. I love this! What a great idea to help build their vocabulary! Im going to go check out your calendar right now! This might be exactly what my ELLs need!! Thanks :)!!!

  2. Thank you so much! I hope that your kiddos will learn a lot of great vocabulary with them! We would love to hear how they did with them:)
    Thank you for your kind comments!
