
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Excited to be a Grandma and $1 SALE

So I got this awesome news that my sweet daughter and partner is expecting my first grand baby!
We got this call that she and her hubby Kevin were stopping by with Sweet Frog-Yum!
Tim, this handsome man in the picture started to fix us coffee and Brittany said"You should drink it in these mugs, and places them down in front of us.  Best surprise and cup of coffee ever!!!!

So, I decided to share this awesome news with ya'll and put items on SALE in our dollar store.  We put some of our most popular products as well as tried to put something from preschool up to a high school item.  They will be there all day June 26, 27.

Just go to our store and look on the left where it says Custom Categories and click on Dollar Store if you want to see if there is anything that interests you.  Also, if you do get anything, we would appreciate kind comments if you like it.  You get store credit if you do.  We would love it if you would also follow our store if you like what you see.

Here is our newest Scoot Game that is in there.

We also have this fun Brain Bounce Game there:

And you can get this for Back to school: September Word of the Day Calendar:

And there is more!:)

Please share comments about any advice you may have as a new parent or grandparent.

Thank ya'll so much!!

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