
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Organizing Your Work for the Week

Welcome to your first stop at our

The first thing I do to organize my student's work for the week is copy my sheets and put post-it notes with what day of the week I will be using the sheets.  

Then I place them in the correct folders.

I put the folders in the correct box and then I am ready for the week:)
I ordered these from Lakeshore and I  love them!  I also put my books in these boxes that I want to read for that day or other resources I may use.  You could also label  the boxes with subject names instead of the days of the week and just place all of your reading materials in the red box, math in the orange box, etc.  You could label the folders Mon, Tues. etc.

It is one of the best organizational tools I have ever purchased!

If you can't get your school to purchase this for you or you can't afford to pay for it yourself, you could make a set with boxes that sets of books come in to your school.  I know we get samples of reading materials or math that come in these boxes where the books are standing up like a magazine holder, usually bigger.  You could also check the dollar store or Target for open containers that might work.  It is a great way to keep you planned and organized for the week and the substitute teacher has no problem finding the work for that day.  I also have a folder labeled "Extra Sheets"  that I put in each box for the sub to have if she or he needs them.

We hope this little tip on organizing your papers for the week has been helpful to ya'll:)

We are so happy to be joining this group of great teachers with Linky parties this summer to help ya'll get ready for your school year.   This first one is on organization.  Check them out at Where the Magic Happens.