
Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Mood Lifter #3

Happy Monday teachers!  We know it will be extra difficult coming back to school for a full week after those snow days.  Here are some uplifting words to help you start your day.

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." -- Benjamin Franklin

What are some ways you involve kids in the learning process?


  1. I love involving kids in learning by offering choice menus. They feel empowered while still learning the skills we need to teach. Plus, it's a great way to differentiate instruction. Have a great week ladies!
    Emily, The Reading Tutor/OG :))

    1. This is a great idea Emily! I actually did my thesis on Group Choice and it was a real eye opener for me. Thank you for sharing!

  2. As home schoolers we learn through life experiences. I was just blogging today about our pancake experience this morning. It led to an awesome lesson for multiplication, fractions, multi-step math problems and a really fun discussion about how to actually plan a recipe for a group of people. I've found that by connecting learning topics with real-life applications they hang on to the learning experience longer. Kim, Life Over C's

    1. What a wonderful way to get your children involved in real life learning. I love how you made learning real and fun for them!

  3. Here's a link to the blog post I were talking about (since I got your 'go ahead' to post it. :) Pancake Math

  4. Since I'm solely focused on reading instruction now, we do a lot of discussions where students pose questions and really think about their reading. I found your blog through comments on Adventures in Literacy Land and saw that you were also a VA blogger (your title gave it away). How exciting!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
    Follow me on Bloglovin!

  5. Great! My daughter and I have written songs that go with VA. SOLs for Social Studies and we also have a Quality Student song and Bully Prevention. I don't know if you know any teachers that might want to check us out:)
    I will go follow you now. Thanks!!
