
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Classroom "Store": Hands on Learning

From Brittany~

My aftercare kids came up with a fantastic idea this month.  We turned our room into a Target.  Our Target has a Starbuck's in addition to a cash register.  We spent 45 minutes brainstorming what the children want in their Target store.  We talked about the different items inside the store and vocabulary that is centered on retail.  Kids learned the words "retail," "product," "employee," and "policy."

 The kids used our wooden blocks to create products for their store.  They wrapped them in butcher paper and drew products on them.  They also took additional paper and made price tags.

The best part of this project was the "Employee Checklist" we made.  We brainstormed responsibilities for the kids and they have fun performing them as part of the dramatic play.  We "reshelve," clean floors, and do other productive tasks.

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