
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Encouraging Children!

“Instruction does much, but encouragement everything."
This is a quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 

I am a First Grade Teacher and I have some students that are having a difficult time learning. This quote by this great German writer reminds me how important it is to find encouraging words for our students every day. It would be interesting to see if those difficult students would do betterif we as teachers, made an effort to find something encouraging to say to those students. I am going to try to make that my goal as we approach a new year.

How many of you will make that goal with me? I would love to see the results for those sweet children.
What encouraging remarks do you make to your students daily?

I just posted this on FB and I had one teacher say she gave high fives.

Do any of you wonderful teachers, parents, or adults that work with children have anything you say or do to encourage your children?


  1. We do some of the Kagan cheers, like the roller coaster, water sprinkler, WOW...they all love that!

  2. I always try to give my kids verbal affirmations for anything positive they may do (instead of focusing on the negative); ie. when they do a good job or finish a task I say "wow, you did such a good job" or " I really appreciate your hard work ____"! They always hold their head a little higher when shower them with compliments and try to please me even more:)

    1. That's very nice! I know when I see that big smile on a student's face after I praise them I try harder to do that more.

      Thanks for your comment!

  3. Replies
    1. Hey Alisa! Thanks for stopping by! So what is the Kagan cheer?
