
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

My class is having an election to decide if we will have our extra recess inside or outside.  They worked on these posters today and are going to campaign for their choices and then check a ballot when we vote on Friday.  They were so involved during writing workshop as they created their posters.
One of my students wanted to know how to spell vote and another student took out our November calendar with the vocabulary words on it and pointed to the word vote as they were working on the poster.  I was so happy to see them using it like this!

I have been able to apply all of our vocabulary words that we have been discussing.  Words like election,candidates,campaign,vote,ballot,government.
One of my students made a great comment today:  he said that his friend did such a great job at campaigning for outdoor recess that he was changing sides already.  He said that his friend told him that  playing outside on the equipment makes you strong and healthy.

Wow!  I may have some future politicians in my class:)

So who do you think will win our election on Friday?

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