Sunday, July 28, 2013

Our future producers are looking pretty good!

We sang "Goods and Services" and completed the bundle  from our SOL Train Learning unit called "Ride into Goods and Services".   My students learned about consumers and producers and making financial choices. They had so much fun working on designs and wrote about what they would be producing at the end of the unit.  I was amazed at how well they thought about their designs and the materials they brought in to make them!  Check out the Goods and Services Unit in our store.

This one little girl just touched my heart when she "produced" this doll.  She doesn't have very much at home and was so excited to finally have a doll to play with.  So amazing how she could be resourceful with what I provided!

 This student even brought in a shell that looked like the unicorn's horn.
                             This robot  was bigger than his producer!
This student brought in red dots for the eyes of this robot that shoots out lasers.  He is standing on his spy cam. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Take Turns to be Kind.......

We have been singing the Quality Student song in summer school and today one of my students was giving another student a cup of water.  She said she was"taking turns to be kind."  This is a verse from the song.  It is so cool to see students applying what they learn from our songs!  Wow!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Great Connections Today!

I was so excited to see my students make connections after we sang our songs from SOL Train Learning today!
We sang "Quality Student" song and when one of my students was fussing about another student's voice today, I reminded him of "U" Understanding Toward Others" and he said, "ok, I will try."
He went back to his table and continued working for the rest of the time.

We sang "Wants and Needs" and the song says," to choose one thing and focus on your needs." and one of my sweet little girls was in my reading group and she said, "I have to remember to choose one thing to get at the movie theatre this week." She had already related to choosing one thing to get and not get everything she wanted to get at the movies.  Her parents will be happy!
These are our cute community helper finger puppets that are included in our Community Helper Unit found on Teachers pay Teachers.  My student wanted me to video tape her singing our Community helper MP3 song while she did a show and she wanted me to put it on You Tube.  How cute is she!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

So my students decided they wanted to do a puppet show with their community helper finger puppets today.  We used the pictures from our unit on Community Helpers and taped them on tagboard and set up on boxes.  They had so fun dancing around with the Community Helper song.
I am so sorry for any of you who tried to go to TPT to purchase this unit and couldn't find it.  We just took it down to add a couple of MP3 songs and make the unit better.  It has been activated so please try again!  Thanks!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

These are our cute community helper finger puppets that are included in our Community Helper Unit.  We made them after we sang our MP3 song called Community Helpers.  Both are in our TPT store.  My student was so excited to make them and she asked me if she could sing the song and do a show.  She wanted me to put it on You Tube. How cute is she!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer School Writing

Last week we started reading True Dog Stories.  We would read a chapter a day.  Then during center rotations, my students started writing their own true animal stories.  They wrote some every day.  We edited them and published them today.  The students were also very excited to make their animals to go with their books.  I was very proud of their hard work!